Michigan Radar Detector Laws

Many folks swear by radar detectors, stating that these devices help them keep their driving speed in check, especially around law enforcement vehicles, and keep them from getting into trouble with the authorities.

Though it may seem that radar detectors are a no-brainer attachment to have in any vehicle, the usage of these is governed by the law in every U.S. state.

So what do Michigan’s laws have to say about radar detectors? Are radar detectors legal in Michigan?

If you’re a driver or vehicle owner in the state, here’s what you need to know about Michigan’s radar detector laws.

Relevant Restrictions

As per Michigan’s statutes, the following are applicable when mounting radar detectors on windshields, installing them in commercial or private vehicles, and using them in and around military facilities.

Windshield Mounting

Laser detector

Since windshield-mounted devices can disturb the driver’s vision or cause a disturbance, some states have strict laws that ban windshield-mounted devices, including radar detectors.

In Michigan, you can install radar detectors on your windshield. While there are no laws that specify how you should do it, it’s best to install it safely to protect yourself and other vehicles on the road. Ensure that the detector is firmly fixed and doesn’t obstruct your vision.

Privately Owned vs Commercially Owned Vehicles

If you’re driving a privately owned vehicle, you don’t need to worry about being pulled over for installing and using a radar detector. However, if you have a commercial vehicle, you need to consider some things before investing in a radar detector.

Radar detectors are only allowed in commercial vehicles that weigh below 10,000 lbs. Federal law bans the use of radio detectors on vehicles larger than this, in the interest of the safety of the driver, the goods or passengers the vehicle is carrying, and the other vehicles on the road.

This law is meant to prevent accidents caused by large overspeeding commercial vehicles.

Driving in a Military Area

Radar detectors illegal warning sign

Radar detectors are illegal in and around military areas. You need to dismount and place your detector out of sight when on a base or while driving by the base.

This is non-negotiable as radar detectors are illegal on military territory in all 50 U.S. states.

Radar Detector Common Myths

Radar detectors don’t define how rash or responsible a driver is.

People using radar detectors may seem like they get into more accidents, but that’s also because radar detectors are commonly used by drivers who drive longer and farther than average.

When this distance is taken into account, the case reverses; drivers without radar detectors face higher accident rates.

Here are some more common myths surrounding radar detectors and their usage.

Radar Detectors Are Banned in Most States

Contrary to popular belief, radar detectors are only banned in the District of Columbia and Virginia.

Though radar detectors were outlawed in various states at various points in time, these were repealed, and the devices are only illegal in the aforementioned states.

Radar Detectors Ensure No Speeding Tickets

Radar detectors instill a false sense of security, which can encourage people to speed.

However, police are using far superior technology to track down radar detectors, such as LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging, which uses sensor technology instead of the radio waves used by radar systems, to map areas).

A radar detector is no guarantee against speeding tickets.

State of Michigan Info

Flag of Michigan

A beautiful state nestled in the Great Lakes region in the midwestern part of the U.S. Michigan consists of two peninsulas — the Upper Peninsula and the Lower Peninsula, which are interconnected by the Mackinac Bridge.

The state is home to over 12,000 lakes and beaches and it has many secluded and scenic islands.

With its diverse landscapes, beautiful waterways, limitless forests, wilderness, and stunning shorelines, Michigan is a popular tourist destination.

Population: 10 million
Capital: Lansing
Registered vehicles: 9,286,067
Total lane miles: 256,579
Number of highways: 13

Wikipedia | State Website

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