Vermont Radar Detector Laws

While having a radar detector in your vehicle is extremely useful when it comes to staying within the speeds limit and avoiding penalties, the legality of owning and using one depends on which part of the country you live in.

For example, states such as Virginia and the District of Columbia have outlawed the use of radar detectors, whereas in states such as New Jersey and Florida, radar detectors themselves are not illegal.

However, there are rules around where in the car you can and cannot mount the radar detectors. If you’re a vehicle owner in Vermont, you’re probably wondering about the legality of these devices in your state. Are radar detectors legal in Vermont?

Radar detectors, along with laser jammers, are legal in Vermont. However, there are some conditions to be aware of while using one.

Windshield Mounting

Passport B500 radar detector

The higher a radar detector is installed, the better the detection range of the device and the higher its efficiency. Therefore, many vehicle owners tend to mount their radar detectors on their windshields.

Vermont legally allows the installation of radar detectors on the windshield. While you won’t be pulled up for this, ensure that a detector in this spot doesn’t become a nuisance to you while driving — it shouldn’t distract you or obscure your field of view.

Privately Owned vs Commercially Owned Vehicles

Privately and commercially owned vehicles can both use and install radar detectors in Vermont.

However, for commercially owned vehicles that are engaged in interstate commerce, it should be borne in mind that if the vehicle is 10,000 lbs or more in weight, using and installing a radar detector in such a vehicle is illegal.

This is a federal law enforced by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to prevent dangerous speeding in heavy vehicles.

Military radar Vermont

It’s worth noting that radar detectors may not be used in any vehicle, regardless of the type or ownership (private, commercial, or government owned) of military bases.

Radar Detector Common Myths

Some of the common myths surrounding radar detectors:

  • Radar jammers and detectors are the same: Jammers block all signals from radar devices, making it impossible to get a reading on your vehicle. Radar jammers are illegal in most states.
  • Radar detectors encourage speeding: Radar detectors on their own do not encourage speeding. The false sense of security that some drivers get from these devices is what typically causes that.
    • Choosing to drive over the limit is a conscious decision. The right thing to do is to use a radar detector to avoid unintentionally going over the limit. However, the same can be achieved with your car’s speed-beep alert feature.
  • Radar detectors don’t function in extreme weather conditions: High-quality detectors can withstand any type of poor weather. Though the readings may be slightly affected, it is not significant enough to render them inaccurate.
  • Radar detectors are legal all across the U.S.: Radar detectors are only illegal in Virginia (banned in 1962) and the District of Columbia.

State of Vermont Info

Flag of Vermont

Situated in the New England region of the U.S., Vermont is the only state in New England that is not bordered by the Atlantic Ocean.

Vermont was discovered way back in the 1500s and was originally one of the 13 colonies. The area has been inhabited by indigenous people for over 12,000 years.

Vermont is the major producer of maple syrup in the country and is known for its stunning autumn foliage, ski resorts, cheese trails, and craft beer.

Population: 647,378
Capital: Montpelier
Registered vehicles: 607,890
Total lane miles: 29,273
Number of highways: 5

Wikipedia | State Website

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